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Since 1984

Does your rabbit have a hidey house?

Rabbits love hidey houses. Get your rabbit a hidey house at Bunny Bunch locations or at
Hidey House

Rabbits love a place to hang out inside a hidey house. It gives them the feeling of being safe in a burrow. They will sleep in there, relax in there and just hang out in there. 

If a rabbit is startled by a noise or movement they need a place to run to and feel safe. Hidey houses come in all shapes and sizes. This hidey house is the Carrot House from Bunny Bunch Boutique. I designed it about ten years ago. It took me about a year to do so to get it just right. After doing lots of different proto types I found having a front and back door was something the rabbits liked best as they liked to be able to run through it, and often do so while playing. I added a send story where they can go up and take a nap.

It’s nice and big too so two or three rabbits can go in at the same time. Plus I have found my cats love it and I found my little dog in there too once.  I have them all through my house and my rabbits love them.

You can purchase them at both stores, Montclair and Fountain Valley. Plus on line at because of shipping costs we have a special price online if you buy a package of two.

We love to see photos of your rabbits enjoying them, so if you have one already, or do get one please tag us on social media. When your rabbit is napping on the second story, don’t forget to peek in through the carrot to see how cute your rabbit looks!

Thanks a Bunny Bunch!

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